JRE Podcast
2 min readJan 16, 2023

Are you aware that every time you use Google’s search engine, GPS, Chrome browser, or Gmail, you are being tracked? Google is collecting a vast amount of data on your online habits and activities, including your search queries, location, browsing history, and even the contents of your emails. This data is then used to build detailed profiles of its users, which are then sold to advertisers and other third parties.

Many people are unaware of just how much data Google is collecting on them, and how this data is being used. For example, when you search for something on Google, the search giant not only records your search query, but also your location, the time of the search, and even the device you used to perform the search. Google also tracks your location through its GPS services, and even records your browsing history and the websites you visit when you use Chrome.

When it comes to Gmail, Google not only has access to your email content but also scrape all your emails into data buckets and profile you. This means that not only does Google know who you are communicating with, but it also has access to the contents of your emails, including any personal information or sensitive data that you may be sharing.

The problem with all this tracking and data collection is that it is incredibly difficult to opt-out, and even if you do, Google will still be collecting data on you. The only way to truly protect your privacy and stop Google from tracking everything you do is to stop using its services altogether. This means switching to alternative search engines, browsers, and email services that do not track their users or collect data on them.

In conclusion, while Google’s services may be convenient and easy to use, the cost of using them is a significant loss of privacy. As consumers, we must be aware of the implications of using these services and take the necessary steps to protect our personal information and data.



JRE Podcast

I use medium as a note book for when i research topics of interest to me, incase i want to go back to it, if it helps you then awesome!